21 Weight Loss Tips You Have Probably Never Tried

We all know how to lose weight. Eat healthy, be active — basically burn more calories than we take in. Knowing how to lose weight is the easy part. It’s the motivation, self-control and daily habits that keep us from reaching our weight loss goals. We live in a world filled with temptation, and that makes weight loss more of a mental challenge than a physical one.
First, let me be completely honest. I hate the word DIET. Anything that is gimmicky, promises quick weight loss, or leads you to believe it’s easy is a bunch of crap. The only way to take weight off and keep it off is through consistency in your eating habits, activity level and mental well-being. You do NOT need to be perfect, but your lifestyle should consist of 80% or more of healthy habits. First: make a plan because a goal without a plan is just a wish. Here are a few inspirational weight loss tips to get you started!
MUST READ ~ If you want something you've never had you must do something you've never done.
1. Make Motivational Notes To Yourself
Sticky Notes! I use these things all of the time as reminders. I stick them to my computer monitor to help remember tasks that I need to get done throughout the day, but they also work wonders in helping you stay motivated! Write inspirational quotes on them and place them in places that you visit often during the day such as your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, the snack cabinet, your desk, and so on.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Make motivational notes to yourself!
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
If you sit at a desk most of the day, purchase a small chalk board and write something on it that is inspiring to you. You can change it daily depending on what your motivational needs are.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
2. Invest In Flattering Workout Clothes
Looking and feeling good goes a long way towards staying confident and motivated. If you have gym clothes that make you look and feel good about yourself, you’re more likely to keep a regular workout routine. And if you can afford it, get a makeover while you’re at it! Just because you are not at the weight you want to be now doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel your best. Building your confidence NOW will help you stay motivated and on track.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
Source & More Inspiration: The Chic Site3. Don't Exercise Just For Weight Loss
Exercising consistently week after week can be hard if your only goal is weight loss. Believe me, the scale can lie! It doesn’t take into account your body composition (fat vs. muscle), and sometimes results can be slow. If you can remind yourself (maybe even make a list) of all of the other reasons why you exercise, you’re more likely to make it part of your life. Imagine yourself one or more years from now and how different you would look and feel with regular and consistent exercise vs. not exercising at all.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
4. Make A Separate Snack Station
Stocking your kitchen with healthy food and keeping temptation food on the shelves at the grocery store is ideal, but let’s face it, most of us have husbands, kids, or roommates. Keep a separate section in the your refrigerator and cabinets that is just for you. And spend an hour or so each week making fruits, veggies, and other healthy snacks easier to eat and take on-the-go. You’re less likely to eat the eggs you boiled if they aren’t peeled, but if you peel them all ahead of time and place them in individual bags, you’ll eat them! Sometimes it just comes down to convenience.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Keep a separate section in the your refrigerator and cabinets that is just for you!
Photo Source & More Inspiration: Little Penelope Lane5. Reward Yourself
You can make it something as easy as treating yourself with a new purse with 5 lbs lost, a spa day with 10 lbs lost, or how about this idea: place a dollar in a jar for every time you exercise. It’s a fun way to reward yourself and stay motivated to workout at the same time. Think of this as your reward money to splurge on whatever you’d like!
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Put a dollar in a jar every time you workout, then use the money to treat yourself!
6. Switch To A Stand-Up Desk
Most of us spend a lot of time in front of our computer, whether it’s just for a few hours a day at home, or perhaps a job that requires it. It’s a lifestyle that most of us can’t avoid, but if you can switch to a stand up desk you’ll naturally burn more calories every day and improve your posture and mood. It’s your lifestyle that really matters in your long term weight goals, and this is one way to be more active without changing your job or computer habits. To ease into the change, consider a tall chair so you can sit and stand throughout your day.
21 Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Switch to a stand up desk! Burns a ton of extra calories throughout the day.
Source & More Info: Anthro7. Make A "Workout Only" Playlist
Music is a huge part of why I love running so much. It’s my time to escape and listen to some of my favorite songs. To help keep yourself motivated, make a playlist that is ONLY for your workouts. You will look forward to exercising more knowing that you get to listen to a fresh playlist.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Make a "work-out only" playlist!
8. Keep Mouthwash Handy
Some people swear by chewing gum to keep their sweet tooth at bay, but peppermint mouthwash is what does it for me! Keep a bottle handy at your desk at work, in the kitchen, or anywhere else where a snack attack is bound to happen. And, use it right away after a meal so you’re less likely to crave something sweet. You could even change the label on it to say something like “Magic Appetite Suppressant”. Have some fun and imagine that it really is a secret potion that  keeps you from eating. Sometimes it’s all in your head.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Keep a bottle of mouthwash handy and use it right after every meal!
9. Make Drinking Water Fun
We all know that drinking lots of water aids in weight loss, but it sure does get boring! Dice up and freeze a month’s supply of organic fruit like raspberries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, limes, or any other fruit you’d like and add it to your water bottles. It flavors it AND keeps it cold. You could also freeze lemon juice in ice cube trays and pop them in there. It’s the little things like this that make your workout and drinking water more exciting!
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Make drinking water fun by adding frozen fruit!10. Display Your Swimsuit
Keep your bikini or swimsuit out where you can see it every day! This is especially important in the winter months when we are covered up in our jeans and sweaters, and tend to let ourselves go a little. You could also do this with a dress or other outfit that you’re working hard to fit into for a special occasion.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Keep your bikini or swimsuit out where you can see it every day!
Photo Source: Lap Band Gal11. Keep Your Weights Where You'll Use Them
Instead of dedicating and setting aside time every day to strength train, break it up and make working out fun by doing little bits here and there. Keep your dumbbells out where they can be easily seen so that you’ll use them in your down time. You can get a pretty good workout just during commercial breaks! You could also bring a few to work and keep them under your desk.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
12. Plan Your Workout The Night Before
Some of us (ME) just aren’t morning people. It’s not easy being motivated when you’re half asleep. This is why you should do everything you can the night before to make getting ready for your workout easier. Set aside everything you’ll need (shorts, sports bra, shirt, socks, shoes, iPod, head phones, gym card, etc.) and put it all in one place for the morning. I even go as far as filling up my water bottle and storing it in the fridge the night before. You might even consider sleeping in your gym clothes sans the sports bra.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
13. Put Leftovers Away Before You Eat
If you are like me and tend to go back for seconds even though you’re not hungry, put away your leftovers before you sit down to eat. It’s unlikely that you’ll dig into the fridge for another bite, but if you have it sitting out on the counter it’s hard to resist. Why tempt yourself?
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
14. Stretch While Watching TV
Stretching is the one thing that I always forget to do. ALWAYS. I have to set aside time and plan it, otherwise I neglect to do it. Unfortunately, you don’t realize the importance of it until you get injured. And if you’re injured, it’s nearly impossible to stay active and lose weight. My solution to that is making stretching part of my TV time towards the end of the night. Get up during the commercials and make it a point to stretch until the end, and then repeat for the next.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
15. Motivational Weight Loss Jars
What a unique and fun way to stay motivated! Each marble or pebble is a nice visual reminder of what you’ve accomplished. Just about any glass jars will do, and you could substitute the marbles for other small items, too.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
Photo Source: Connoisseur of Creativity16. Make Drinking Enough Water A No-Brainer
Use a permanent marker on one or more of your water bottles to give yourself water goals throughout the day. Keep it at your desk, in your car, on the counter, or wherever else it’s handy and sip on it during the day, trying to stay within your goal. This will give you an idea of how much water you’re drinking and what times of the day you tend to not get enough.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Make drinking enough water a no-brainer!
Source: Gym Flow 10017. Download An App
If you’re not already using a weight loss tracker, you should start! They help keep you accountable and make eating the optimal amount of calories easy. Although there are quite a few of them, there are 2 Apps that I’ve tried and really like: My Fitness Pal andLose It!. They are both very similar but with some slight variations. I like how My Fitness Pal tells you at the end of each day about how much you’d weigh in 5 weeks or so if every day you were to eat and exercise the same as you did that day, but Lose It! is my favorite because you can scan bar codes with it to make tracking your food easier.
21 Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Download an App!
18. Change Your Environment
Changing your environment during stressful or boring times of the day is one of the easiest things you can do to prevent eating when you’re not hungry. Most of us have a certain time of the day when we are prone to food cravings and binging. For me that’s in the late afternoon, usually 3 or 4 hours after lunch. Know when your “weak times” are and change them! Use those hours to do something that keeps your hands busy, and mind distracted. If you can’t change that part of your day, at least set aside 10 minutes to listen to music, go for a short walk, or call a friend to break it up and have something to look forward to. Small changes can make a big difference.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Change your environment during stressful or boring times of the day.
19. Make A Reminder List
As women, we tend to forget the importance of eating healthy other than just weight control. We get so focused on our appearance that we forget about our health, but the two go hand in hand. Instead of thinking “I don’t want to eat that because I want to lose weight”, think “I don’t want to eat that because it will upset my stomach, make me feel sluggish and irritable, and make my workout harder in the morning because it will bloat my stomach”. There are so many benefits to eating healthy. Make your own list and keep it out where you can see it.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried
20. Stop Comparing
Stop comparing your unique body to others. You cannot be that other person, so why not be the best version of yourself? If you try to compare your body to your friend’s, to what you see on TV and in magazines, or to the girl next to you on the treadmill, you are setting yourself up to fail. Life is way too short to spend another day at war with yourself. Make your goals realistic and you’re more likely to succeed.
Woman Stretching
21. Make Mental Health A Priority
Your mental health is probably the most important tool in reaching your weight loss goals. Weight loss isn’t a physical challenge, it’s a mental challenge. You have to stay positive, love yourself, and focus on being grateful for your body and what’s it’s capable of. The Magic (The Secret) by Rhonda Byrne is a book that has greatly changed the way I think. We really can attract just about anything we want when we practice feeling gratitude.
21 Inspirational Weight Loss Tips You've Probably Never Tried ~ Weight loss isn’t a physical challenge, it’s a mental challenge.
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